Friday, May 2, 2008

Some better kind of Mind

God says He'll turn my ashes to beauty...His power is made perfect in my weakness.

My ashes: anger, things not gone my way, gross memories of a different me, desires to be noticed, desires to be liked, worthlessness, I am disgusting, who would want me, I'm not cool, I wish I could be cool, she's hot, if I could just drink it'd feel better...I wouldn't be afraid, will i feel better about who I am if I wear this, the amount of attention I pay to fat, that's annoying/she's annoying/he's annoying, I don't deserve that, I do deserve this, I am glad I'm not like that, I don't trust you not to hurt me, just say I look cute.

But God has something better in Mind...

So Lord, I give these parts of me to you.
mold them into how you'd be,
what you'd say,
what you'd think....

1 comment:

Michelle Meador said...


I am so glad that we met at CPK and that God knew how your testimony would be such an encouragement to so many including me. Keep on writing and sharing your beautiful heart. The transparency will touch so many lives.

=) Michelle