I'm overwhelmed with the amount of responsiblity I have on my plate right now.
I'm: in school full time, on the leadership team within my church community, a host and leader of a weekly community gathering out of our home, interning, graduating from college in 3 weeks, pregnant, a wife, a community pastor and working part time.
All of this spills over and makes seemingly simple tasks like going to Target, getting ready, exercising, cooking dinner, or getting coffee with a friend seem beyond my limit of what I can physically do.
Now, I'm very well aware of the fact that I put myself in many of the responsiblities And some of them I know God has called me too, but I just can't imagine that He'd want me to be this frazzled right now.
I'm also well aware of the fact that this has been a life pattern for me. I'm either doing too little and bored out of my mind or doing too much and telling everyone how busy and stressed out I am. I have no sense of, "K, this is good enough and I need to say no to everything else." you'd think I'd learn the lesson.
I have got to get a grip on this before my baby comes or life will be real fun-gosh.
Some of my anxious prayers I journaled this morning...
April 26, 2010
Jesus, I’m beyond overwhelmed. I have a bunch of things I want to do, need to do, and have to do. I can’t keep them all straight. I feel like I’m falling apart today. I feel so DONE.
Your word says to cast all my anxiety onto You, because you care about me (1 Peter 5:7).
So, what is making me anxious:
1. Mon, Tues, and Wed seem insurmountable to me. Each day is jammed packed with no time to nap, be in Your presence, or grocery shop for much needed food. I am physically, emotionally exhausted because my jammed packed schedule has been this way for weeks and these next few days seem awful. It’s Monday and I don’t have any downtime till Thursday. guh...Would You teach me how to manage this stuff, give me grace to change some things, or grace to deal with them if I can’t change them. I can’t stand facing these problems the same way I always have.
2. Group Project for school- I need energy and time to send out a group email, then go to the library and research Mother Theresa and then write a speech. I just don’t have time. Lord would you help me create time to do this and get good enough grades to get into grad school
3. Finding and getting a counselor who I can afford, works with my schedule, is a Christian, who does EFT. Lord would you help me find a counselor who will lead me closer to You and who will work with those specifications?
4. Exercising: I have barely exercised these last 3 months. I am getting more cellulite and that makes me feel gross, frustrated, and scared. Lord will you help me find time to exercise and take care of my physical body.
5. Hanging out with family and friends. I feel like I will let people down or hurt them if I can’t see them, because I’m too tired, busy with school, volunteering, work, homework, internship, birthday parties, and meetings. Lord would you help learn how to say no gracefully and remind me that people understand.
6. Developing my gifts. Lord I desperately want to be used by you in powerful ways, but I feel like I’m being worn out and pushed to the limit. I have no time or space to seek you. Lord would you rebuke the enemy from trying to discourage me or make me think I’ve got to do everything else, but spend time with you.
7. Missional Community gathering: This whole thing is an after-thought for me, and that is frustrating. I feel like a bad host, ill prepared to lead our team, and I usually enter the night with a sour attitude. I barely scrape by through Monday and Tuesday to sweep into this Wednesday night gathering feeling like I’ve got nothing to give. God you've been so faithful through the whole process. Would you continue to help us get everything organized for the event-would u give each of us energy to do our assigned tasks? And I desperately need your grace to have a joyful attitude about it rather than a complaining frustrated one. Especially since I’m sticking through this and keeping my word to the team.
8. I just feel bad today. I feel down on myself. Like I’m failing at everything. I look like crap, the house is a disaster, I’m not contributing anything of quality to the leadership team, I’m missing out on quality time with my family and friends, I can’t keep my emotions or attitude in check, I have so many ideas, but no time for follow through, I cook like two nights a week, and don’t have time to shop for anything. I feel uncomfortable in my ever changing body and all my clothes don’t fit. I keep forgetting to complete assignments in my classes-I’ve already forgotten a midterm, a paper, and a quiz.
Father, would you help me see all these things through Your eyes?
Life with children will only get more hectic and crazy.
I feel like I’m going to be such a bad mom.
How am I going to do it?
I need your wisdom so badly.
Please help me deal with this...cause I'm burnt...out.
I will pray for a bit of calm weather in your busy/stormy schedule.
I love you, Kimi.
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