Monday, September 7, 2009


What distracted me today from spending alone time with God?

1. I wanted to get to the beach early enough to beat the crowds, so oops there goes my morning and afternoon

2. At the beach I had school texts and other "easier" books to read then the Bible. Lord forgive me. :(

3. After beach we went straight to my in-laws house for a BBQ, and it's awkward to step away and say, "Hey I'm just going to go upstairs and pray."

4. Well number four has lead me up to right now...I could easily use a bunch of distractions cause right at 8:45pm- I'm tired, my stomach kind of hurts (I'm full. I ate too many chips and guac.), and it seems more relaxing to go take a shower then to sit before the Lord.

BUT I'm going to muster up the tiny-est amount of motivation and love and go talk with Him. Jason is watching a football game so I have a minute or two.

Gosh Lord help me and give me strength to love you with all my heart tonight.


Unknown said...

Kimi - This sounds like me every day lately. Oh I pray a bit before starting my day, but then so many things distract me. You are an inspiration for me to change that!

jc said...

Yeah! You have a blog. I love reading people's blogs, so post away. :)
