Monday, October 12, 2009

I have choices

Okay, so you know that classmate who was cusing- anyways him and I just had a great 10 min. discussion about beliefs. He believes that religion is just a means for powerful people to control people. I want to write about this because I have definitely heard this before and this is a real opinion for people.


How is believing in and following Christ controlling me?

   -Well that is hard to say, because it started out being a choice for me. I grew up agnostic and then made the choice to believe. No one made me. I am happy I was never forced or controlled into believing.

  -My classmate mentioned the ten commandments as laws that are used to control people. But my first thought is those are awesome laws to follow; I don't know any bad that comes from me not murdering. And I don't feel controlled, because I can choose to follow them or not. I am not forced to abided by them if I don't want to.

-I want to bring up the money thing as well, because I've heard the idea thrown around that religion is just a means to control people and get them to give you their money. I haven't been to a church that forces you to give. And if I did it would make me feel awkward, because from what the Word says is that God loves a cheerful giver. Which to me suggests that it's the givers choice whether to give or not. God desires me to give, because of how it affects my character for the better. I don't have to give my money if I don't want to. I can keep it all for myself or give it all away, my choice.

Alright well that's all I can think of for now...ya, I like choices, not control! I was given the choice to believe and follow or not. And right now if I wanted to I could walk away from Him, from my church community, from heaven, from any of it- but I am choosing not to.


heidileanne said...

I love all your thoughts on this! Were you able to express all that to your classmate? You have me nodding yes, yes, yes A belief and relationship with God is all about choice, but I can see how the politics of church can turn people off from churches - I just have never been able to see why people always jump to blame God for the bad politics in a people run church. Does that makes sense?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Heidi! No I wasn't able to express all these thoughts to him, of course not. :( I totally see how the politics of some churches can turn people off and that they blame God for what people do...just something else keeping people from knowing what He is really like.