Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who has quirks? Me!

I love Beth Moore's honest, super fun, loud, and scripturally based teaching. This is one of my favorite teachings of hers on friendship:

I was also reading her blog and she did this fun thing were she wrote down 10 quirks that made her unique (or weird) :)

She writes, "What are 10 things – right off the top of your head – that we would only know about you if we knew you really well? 10 random things ranging anywhere on your personal map that make you a tad distinctive? Or just plain weird? Think quickly. Don’t go for deep. Go for quirky. Don’t try to put them in any kind of order and don’t make them long. Just start typing. "

*Post random things about you in a comment*

Here are 10 random things about me (Kimi)

1. I hate my pillows touching the ground
2. I love sour cream in my bean burritos
3. I wear acrylic nails, because otherwise my finger nails would be chewed off
4. I freakin love pug dogs, boxers, and french bulldogs
5. Shopping at the mall overwhlems me
6. I don't like the 4th of July, it has become repetitive
7. Car accidents are one of my biggest fears
8. Coffee is the first thing I want in the morning
9. It's hard for me to read fiction books, I prefer non
10. I consider cleaning and reorganzing hobbies

*What are you top ten? Post random things about you in your comment*